
El éxito, un veneno irresistible. Ambientada en el atractivo entorno del festival de Cannes, El vencedor está solo va mucho más allá del lujo y el glamour, y nos aboca a una profunda reflexión acerca de la fuerza de los propios sueños y de cuál es la escala de valores con la que nos medimos. Durante 24 horas seguiremos los pasos de Igor, empresario ruso magnate de las comunicaciones, destrozado por una dolorosa ruptura sentimental, y conoceremos su delirante plan para atraer la atención de su ex mujer. En su camino se cruzarán Gabriela, una joven y ambiciosa actriz; Jasmine, modelo de Ruanda exiliada en Europa; Javits, un productor influyente y corrupto; y Hamid, estilista que empezó de cero y está hoy en la cima de su gloria. La aparición de Igor cambiará para siempre las vidas de todos ellos. Un intenso, sincero y bien documentado viaje hacia nuestra constante fascinación por la fama, el éxito y el dinero, que se eleva hasta convertirse en un impactante reflejo del lado más superficial, intrascendente y depredador del mundo en el que vivimos.

About the author(s)

One of the most influential writers of our time, Paulo Coelho is the author of thirty international bestsellers, including The Alchemist, Warrior of the Light, Brida, Veronika Decides to Die, and Eleven Minutes. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Paulo is the recipient of 115 international prizes and awards, among them, the Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur (Legion of Honor). Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, he soon discovered his vocation for writing. He worked as a director, theater actor, songwriter, and journalist. In 1986, a special meeting led him to make the pilgrimage to Saint James Compostela (in Spain). The Road to Santiago was not only a common pilgrimage but a turning point in his existence. A year later, he wrote The Pilgrimage, an autobiographical novel that is considered the beginning of his literary career. He lives in Geneva, Switzerland.


“[This] Brazilian wizard makes books disappear from stores.” — New York Times

“[Coelho’s] special talent seems to be his ability to speak to everyone at once. The kind of spirituality he espouses is to all comers. . . . His readers often say that they see their own lives in his own books.” — The New Yorker

“[Coelho’s] special talent seems to be his ability to speak to everyone at once. . . . His readers often say that they see their own lives in his own books.” — The New Yorker

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